Seduction of the Innocent
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Seduction of the Innocent was a book by Dr. Fredric Wertham, published in 1954, that warned that comic books were a bad form of popular literature and a serious cause of juvenile delinquency. The book was a minor bestseller that created alarm in parents and galvanized them to campaign for censorship. At the same time, a U.S. Congressional inquiry was launched into the comic book industry, and the Comics Code Authority was voluntarily established by publishers to self-censor their titles.
Seduction of the Innocent cited overt or covert depictions of violence, sex, drug use, and other adult fare within "crime comics"—a term Wertham used to describe not only the popular gangster/murder-oriented titles of the time, but superhero and horror comics as well. The book asserted, largely based on undocumented anecdotes, that reading this material encouraged similar behavior in children.
Comics, especially the crime/horror titles pioneered by EC, were not lacking in gruesome images; Wertham reproduced these extensively, pointing out what he saw as recurring morbid themes such as "injury to the eye". Many of his other conjectures, particularly about hidden sexual themes (e.g. images of female nudity concealed in drawings of muscles and tree bark, or Batman and Robin as homosexual lovers), were met with derision within the comics industry. (Wertham's claim that Wonder Woman had a bondage subtext was somewhat better documented, as her creator William Moulton Marston had admitted as much; however, Wertham also claimed Wonder Woman's strength and independence made her a lesbian.)
The splash made by this book, and Wertham's previous credentials as an expert witness, made it inevitable that he would appear before the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency led by anti-crime crusader Estes Kefauver. In extensive testimony before the committee, Wertham restated arguments from his book and pointed to comics as a major cause of juvenile crime. The committee's questioning of their next witness, EC publisher William Gaines, focused on violent scenes of the type Wertham had decried. Though the committee's final report did not blame comics for crime, it recommended that the comics industry tone down its content voluntarily. Possibly taking this as a veiled threat of potential censorship, publishers developed the Comics Code Authority to censor their own content. The code not only banned violent images, but entire words and concepts (e.g. "terror" and "zombies"), and dictated that criminals must always be punished. This destroyed most EC-style titles, leaving a sanitized subset of superhero comics as the chief remaining genre. Wertham nevertheless considered the Comics Code inadequate to protect youth.
Wertham's book was profusely illustrated with comic-book panels (reprinted from EC and other publishers' titles) which allegedly offered evidence for his claims. Although early editions of Seduction of the Innocent are constantly sought by book collectors, and routinely re-sell for high figures, it is extremely difficult to find an intact copy, as so many copies of this book have been vandalized by readers who cut out or tore out the most sensational illustrations.
Among comic-book collectors and dealers, any comic-book issue specifically cited in Wertham's book is known as a "Seduction issue", and is generally more valuable (and more highly sought) than other issues in the run of the same title.
[edit] References
- Beaty, Bart (2005). Fredric Wertham and the Critique of Mass Culture. University Press of Mississippi, ISBN 1-57806-819-3.
- Nyberg, Ami Kiste (1998). Seal of Approval: The History of the Comics Code, University Press of Mississippi, ISBN 0-87805-975-X.
- Wright, Bradford W. (2001). Comic Book Nation: The Transformation of Youth Culture in America, Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN 0-8018-7450-5.
[edit] Other uses
- Seduction of the Innocent is also the name of a social guidance film by Sid Davis that portrayed cannabis as leading to heroin addiction.
- Seduction of the Innocent is also a track from the KISS album Carnival of Souls: The Final Sessions.
- Seduction of the Innocent is also a track from the Ripping Corpse album Dreaming with the Dead.
- A book entitled "The Innocent Seduced" was used in Episode 39 of the Justice League animated series, being cited by an anti-JL moral crusader.
- A promo for the upcoming DC Comics event Countdown features an image of Mary Marvel paired with the words "The Seduction of the Innocent."
- The website Superdickery has a section called "Seduction of the Innocent", which features a collection of comic book covers and panels which, when taken out of context, seem sexual in nature.