Talk:Settling Accounts: In at the Death
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[edit] Post-War
Well... what do think will be the major elements at the end of the war?
- I think he could be setting up a Cold War environment. He's always been dropping hints about US vs Germany... He could build that into a tripolar world with Germany, Japan, and USA...
- - Japan & France & UK, with the Japanese Asia-Pacific Empire, and sub-Saharan Africa, and South Asian subcontinent.
- - Germany & Austro-Hungary & Turkey, with Turkey gobbling up the Middle East, Austro-Hungary taking Italy and North Africa, and Germany taking the Russian Empire bits that Japan didn't gobble.
- - USA, with what remains of China, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, some bits of South America, all of North America, by gobbling up Alaska, Greenland, various European controlled islands in the Carribean and Atlantic, the Falklands, Guyana.
Lets also not forget that the US will probably topple the "Mexican Emperor" and set up a republic, like the one in Quebec. (If Turtledove goes so far as to mention what happens to the Empire of Mexico.)
I think, however, that the author is wrong about the atom bomb, like Germany in our timeline, I think the Confederates will capitulate before the bomb is ready. I believe that if Turtledove continues this atomic plotline, it will be dropped on a much stronger Japan, which will free up Pacific resources.
The REAL interesting question is what about imperial Germany? Turtledove has hinted that Germany is a much more tolerant place in his time-line then it was in ours. I believe one character even mentioned how "all the jewish scientists work for the Germans." If this is true, that means Einstein never immigrates and could be working on a German bomb. If Turtledove is going to be consistant with his analogies, then I predict that the Germans will drop the atomic bomb on London towards the end of this book, setting up a German-US cold war.
what will happen to frace and the uk when they loose? france and uk will loose more land or will germany be more lesant.
- Personally, I think the first atomic bomb is going to be Germany droping it against some target in England, maybe London, Manchester, or York. Of course Einstein is in Germany in this timeline, in orignial timeline he was visting the US when the Nazis took over Germany and made the prudent choice of staying here. Post War in this timeline I think your looking at a Japan vs US coldwar especally because the Japanese appear to be trying to honorly stop fighting with the US. (US landing on Midway and Wake Island and finding no Japs.) UK is non contigous with Germany and already post WW I, a pupet state of Ireland was set up which would be revived so it's primarily looking at economic penalties. France is looking like it could lose a bit more territory, face economic penalties, and have German troops "De-action-ing" it. Jon 01:00, 29 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Speculation Section
- On the Amphious landing idea; unlikely to take place on the North American contientant; it's much easier logistically to use the same land routes seen earlier in the series in the Great War.
- On the nuking of Conferderate cities; it's known that Einstein is still in Germany in this timeline and is probably working on the bomb for them. I see Germany as probably dropping it in two cities in the UK to avoid having to land troops directly in England.
- On the discovery of "population reducation camps"; that's actually more likely to first occur "In the Grapple".
- On the post cold war idea; I see it much more likely that it would be US vs Japan than US vs Germany; Japan's probably going to decide to stop fighting on their own when they see the writing on the wall for the rest of the Entrede, and escape because the US resources are much more geared toward fighting a land war than a naval one in this timeframe.
Jon 19:30, 26 May 2006 (UTC)
If there is a cold war, it will likely be between the US and the CS. The CSA has considered itself a separate country for 60 years now and so won't be easily folded into the USA. What could happen is that a lot of die-hards escape into Mexico and keep the Confederacy alive that way. This way, the CSA will be split into two, much like Germany was split between East and West. One thing that it's important to point out is that, in the real world, the world was divided between capitalism and communism. In the 191 timeline, democracy and socialism has only flourished in the United States. Because of this, if there were a cold war between the U.S. and Germany, it might be because of socialist democracy vs. imperial monarchy. If this were to happen, North America and Europe would be fighting a cold war with each other with Asia and Africa caught between them, much like Europe was caught between the US and the USSR in the real world. - 05 August 2006
Speculation shouldn't be here at all. --Stlemur 13:25, 29 May 2006 (UTC)
- You did notice this is a talk page and not an article page, didn't you? Idle speculation is rampant on talk pages... [unknown user]
- At the time of Stlemur's posting here there was actually a speculation section written by another editor in the article itself. Not wishing to get into an edit war with them, I posted my response to it here in the talk section. Shortly thereafter, Stlemur cut the speculation from the article (correctly) and posted his comment. Jon 20:22, 29 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Collpase of Austro-Hungaria
One thing is very clearly hinted at: though the German-Austrian alliance is headed to winning the war in Europe, Austro-Hungaria would still fall apart in the aftermath, and probably do so more in a far more messy and bloody way than in our liftime, more like the collapse of OTL Yugolsavia. Adam Keller 11:38, 17 February 2007 (UTC)