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This user loves cake. |
[edit] Profile
Name: Matt H
Date of Birth: 24th Oct 1987
Nationality: White/British
Hometown: Portsmouth (UK)
Education: 6 GCSEs, Psychology (Environmental, Criminal), Media Studies, Film Studies, General studies A levels
Occupation: pirate
I am an elderly man, who is bitter at the world who forgot him. I grew up in 19tickity4, I had no legs at the time, so I had to go to radio rentals, I ordered a pair of legs and proceeded to attach them, at that moment, I knew I was heading to Nar-nia. From there I developed a taste for Cakes, I ate the cakes I was given by the friendly tribes people of Cakawanna, I then helped them on there attack against the nando tribe. The fine attack took place and we were happy, that is until we were destroyed by the mighty Bee Tribe, they ate our cakes and began to attack the village, I decided to take the legs back to radio rentals since they didn't do what I really wanted (Fire lazer beams)
[edit] Wikifriends
Being old, I have no friends, Except for my Cat User:JAKAZiD. He doesn't hate me.
[edit] Other than my userboxes...
I promote HEAVY use of Kat Shoob in EVERYTHING, if you do not use Kat Shoob, you haven't used anything.
[edit] JAKAZiD's Rave Room
"SOMEONE STOP THESE VOICES IN MY HEAD", said Jill the penguin. It was a happy day.
A sequential look at United Flight 175 crashing into the south tower of the World Trade Center
This area is reserved for User:JAKAZiD to mess about with as he sees penguins.
[edit] Dealing with trenchfoot
Shadowman contracted trenchfoot in 1362. As a result, he can't eat Sun Lollys any more.
[edit] Other places I go on the internets