User:Shirley Grace/Nukeland Cinema edit
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Nukeland Cinema | |
[[ ]] |
Author(s) | |
Website | |
Genre(s) | Comedy/Science-Fiction/Parody/Tribute |
Nukeland Cinema is a toy-based photo webcomic that takes place in a basement... a basement of imagination! Featuring a small-but-growing cast of regulars, and an immense selection of extras, Nukeland Cinema touches on gaming commentary, crude simple jokes, and complicated storylines.
The first issue [1] as well as thirteen others, were released late in december of 2003. New comics came out on a monday-wednesday-friday basis, sometimes increasing to one every day, sometimes decreasing to Tuesday and Friday, which is what the current update schedule is.
Contents |
[edit] Plot
Though normally having no main plot, Nukeland Cinema has it's story arcs, and some elements from each are retained in continuity, such as new characters, and major events not dismissed as dreams.
[edit] Style
Inspired by the great quality and humor of TKT [12] Nukeland Cinema is also a photo comic. But Nukeland is mainly shot in "Real" locations, without images being added in photoshop. The world of Nukeland Cinema is the rec room, bedroom, and laundry room of the author. Sometimes things even wind up outdoors, in the great Canadian wilderness.
[edit] Characters
Lord Nuke The president/king/leader of Nukeland, Lord Nuke is the author's "self" character. A clayborg, Lord Nuke contains elements from many action figures, as well as a mostly clay body. Introduced in comic 16[2] the all-1337 speak was soon dropped. A physical re-design was first unveiled in comic 233.[3]
[edit]James Represented by an Earthworm Jim figure, James is the webmaster for Nukeland Cinema. James was introduced in comic 162.[4]
[edit]Rabid Based on forum moderator Rabid, this figure is a Xevoz Razorclaw donated by Rabid himself. In the comic, he's the beer-swilling chief of security. In the forums, he's a beer-swilling admin. Rabid was introduced in comic 255.[5]
[edit]Semysane The character for forum moderator Semysane, a crossfusion Megaman.exe figure donated by the webmaster James is often on the receiving end of non-serious injury. Thanks to an extra life tank, he can always get back up. Semysane was introduced in comic 247.[6]
[edit]Ebunleashed Forum moderator Ebunleashed, and author of the webcomic Earthbound Unleashed [7] is represented by a Dragonball Z Dr. Gero action figure. In the comic, he posesses all the abilities of Dr. Gero from the android saga of Dragonball Z, which makes for some humorous situations involving accedentally draining the life out of others. Ebunleashed was introduced in comic 247.[8]
[edit]Karrion Forum moderator Karrion is represented by a creature of his own creation: A custom bionicle hybrid of Toa and Rahkshi parts that can only be described as a winged fiend. It's not sure if this character is good or evil, he seems to take whichever side he finds the most entertaining. Karrion was introduced in comic 173.[9]
[edit]Mini-Nuke Lord Nuke's miniature clone, created for marketing purposes, Mini-Nuke has all the intelligence of Nuke, but a fraction of the size. With small size comes big attitude, and the potential for humorous situations. Mini-Nuke was introduced in comic 283.[10]
[edit]Forumers Other active members of the Nukeland forums [11] who are characters in the comic include Legato76, Ilex Garodan, Vulcanflame, Hk-47, Shadowalien, Ithacan Hero, and Fushichou.
[edit]The "leet" crew The original named cast of Nukeland, based on the author's online friends at the time, are Lime Mercury, Turd McFruter, Runiteshark, and Demon Kashew. As they kept in contact with him in decreasing frequency, their role in the comic decreased thusly, to make room for the new generation of characters.
[edit] Availability
[edit] Forums
[edit] External links
[edit] Community
[edit] See Also
Category:Webcomics Category:photocomics Category:Internet forums