Shlomo Aviner
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Rabbi Shlomo Chaim haKohen Aviner is the Rosh yeshiva of the Ateret Cohanim yeshiva in the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem and a leader of the Religious Zionist movement.
Rabbi Aviner was born in 1943 in Lyon, France, and was involved in the Bnei Akiva youth movement, rising to the position of National Director. Rabbi Aviner is a qualified electrical engineer and holds an MA in mathematics.
When he emigrated to Israel in 1966, he went to learn in the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva in Jerusalem, under Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook. He served in the IDF, and is a lieutenant in the reserves. Rabbi Aviner serves as a rabbi in Bet El.
Rabbi Aviner became extremely controversial during the disengagement from Gaza because of his stance that soldiers should not refuse orders.[citation needed]