Talk:Shorty Castro
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To some editors here, notability is relative... time and time again I've managed to improve a stub or topic with cultural references that are well-known outside the United States, only to find some bozo delete them to produce an almost 100% American-centric article. Yet, I find tons and tons of articles about irrelevant cultural fluff, particularly nerdy bovine excrement about T.V. series, obscure cult movies, and the like... They can stay forever, but a stub about Shorty Castro can be deleted in less than two days? Compounded by the fact that good research takes TIME... Gimme a break... Who friggin' died and left you as bosses, you editors? A stub won't take more than 10k of a terabyte DB farm, yet to some of you its relative obscurity compared to, say, Britney Spears' underwear or lack of it deserves a speedy delete, huh? Please remember that there are 240 countries and dependencies in this world. Not everyone cares about Vulcan syntax, Simpsons characters or who flunked on the second week of American Idol... so give this article time to mature and stop indiscriminate deletes, OK? Demf 22:41, 18 February 2007 (UTC)