Sigtrygg Runestones
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The two Sigtrygg Runestones (DR 2 and DR 4) were runestones raised after the Danish king Sigtrygg Gnupasson by his mother Ásfriðr.
They constitute together with the account of Adam of Bremen evidence for the House of Olaf on the Danish throne.
[edit] DR 2
- A osfriþr : karþi : kum bl ' þaun oft : siktriku :
- B sun (:) (s)in : oui : knubu
- A Asfriþr gærþi kumbl þøn æft Sigtryg,
- B sun sin ok Gnupu.
- A Ásfriðr made the memmorial after Sigtrygg
- B her son together with Gnupa
[edit] DR 4
- A osfriþr ÷ karþi kubl ÷ þausi ÷ tutiR ÷ uþinkaurs ÷ oft ÷ siktriuk ÷ kunuk ÷
- B ÷ sun ÷ sin ÷ ÷ auk ÷ knubu ÷
- C kurmR (÷) raist (÷) run(a)(R) (÷)
- A Asfriþr gærþi kumbl þøsi, dottiR Oþinkors, æft Sigtryg kunung,
- B sun sin ok Gnupu.
- C GormR rest runaR.
- A Ásfriðr made the memmorial, the daughter of Odinkar, after King Sigtrygg,
- B her son together with Gnupa.
- C Gorm made the runes.