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SINAD is the abbreviation for 'S'ignal-'I'ncluding- 'N'oise-'A'nd- 'D'istortion. It is the ratio of the signal-including-noise-and-distiortion to the noise-and-distortion component only. This is calculated as one of:
- The ratio of (a) total received power, i.e., the received signal-plus-noise-plus-distortion power to (b) the received noise-plus-distortion power.
- The ratio of (a) the recovered audio power, i.e., the original modulating audio signal plus noise plus distortion powers from a modulated radio frequency carrier to (b) the residual audio power, i.e., noise-plus-distortion powers remaining after the original modulating audio signal is removed.
The SINAD is usually expressed in dB.
This article contains material from the Federal Standard 1037C (in support of MIL-STD-188), which, as a work of the United States Government, is in the public domain.