User:Sir Lewk/in progress
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Various stuff in progress. Please refrain from editing unnessesarily.
[edit] Fastnaught
[edit] My oil rant
Call me a republican bastard, but I'd much rather have a picturesque sence interupted by an oil feild than have to be completely reliant on the most unstable and anti-american region in the world. Even the Chinese pretend to like us. Oil drilling is a relatively clean endeavour, it only gets messy when people do do stupid things. I am fully confident that the US can extract oil from the ground in a much cleaner manner than can be done in the facist states of the middle east. Ironically, this is mostly thanks to people like you, who care about the enviroment enough to make sure others treat it right. I'm sure there are people like you in the middle east but they arn't exactly in the position to speak out against practices that could harm the envirment, especially when they are government backed. Perhaps one day they will have the same rights as we do and the issue of drilling in Alaska will become mute, but untill then, I will firmly support drilling in Alaska for the envirments sake (as well as numerous political and economical reasons that I'll not bore you with)--Lewk_of_Serthic contrib talk 23:00, 27 March 2006 (UTC)