Sky Jockey
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A Sky Jockey is a character class in the multiplayer aspect of the Xbox video game Conker: Live & Reloaded. Sky Jockeys are pilots, being the only class with flying vehicles available to them. On the ground they are little more than cannon-fodder, with limited health, avarage speed, and weak weaponry. Once in the air, a Sky Jockey can rule the map but often becomes a priority target. When in the air, the biggest threat to a Sky Jockey is another Sky Jockey. On the ground, they should avoid combat except as a last resort.
[edit] Equipment/Abilities
- DP 500 - Two pistols which have 20 shots between them, which can be set to single fire (which is more accurate and has modest anti-armour capability) or 3 round burst. They are weak weapons doing moderate damage but having a slow rate of fire and low accuracy. The pistols are intended only as a weapon of self defence rather than offensive weaponry.
- Grenades - Sky Jockeys have only 1 grenade available to them, a Magnova (EMP) grenade that temporarily immobilizes vehicles and turrets, leaving them vulnerable to attack.
- Infravision - Available once upgraded, these goggles allow the user to see through any number of walls and "paint" the targets with a red or green hexagon indicating their status as friend or foe. Since it cannot be used while in an aircraft, its only use to a Sky Jockey is to avoid running into enemies when on the run.
- Arc Weld - A tool for repairing vehicles, the player simply stands next to a vehicle and "fires" to repair the vehicle in a matter of seconds.
- Parachute - A parachute can be deployed when falling to prevent damage, designed so that vehicles can be abandoned in mid air.
[edit] Vehicles/Specialist Ordinance
- Steed - A fast and agile air vehicle, fast and capable of hovering and boosting. The Steed is armed with rockets, an aircraft machine-gun and homing missiles which once locked on, home in on other air targets. With light armour, high manouverability and heavily armed the Steed is a commonly used vehicle, often to bombard enemies and cover allied ground troops.
- Mule - Slow, cumbersome and exceedingly large the Mule is a troop transport which can carry up to 6 passengers + 1 pilot + 1 gunner. Heavily armoured and armed only with bombs it is rarely used for anything other than moving troops.
- Sky Guard - An automatic turret armed with missiles that target only airborne enemies (enemy Sky Jockeys and their vehicles). Sky Guards bring down enemy aircraft quickly but suffer a limited range and vulnerability on the ground from EMP grenades and enemy fire.
[edit] See also
Conker series
Conker's Pocket Tales • Conker's Bad Fur Day • Conker: Live & Reloaded |