Slávy Dcera
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Slávy Dcera (The Daughter of Sláva) is the greatest work of Slovak poet Ján Kollár, consisting of 5 parts.
In this work he worked out the conception of Slavic reciprocity. He expressed his feelings to a woman but this love had transformed to a love to his homeland. The main tematics of this work are:
It is divided into 5 chapters and it has a foreword.
The author expressed his fears that the Slovacs will disappear from Europe like other Slavic tribes did it before. He asked the Slovacs to ask for help from the Russian nation.
1. Sála
This part contains love sonnets. He glorified his love and made from her an idol of Slovac women. From this time the girl is Mína, the daughter of goddess Sláva.
2. Labe, Rén, Vltava
In these parts the author took us to places where Slavic tribes lived before. He is disappointed because these areas belong to foreign countries now.
3. Dunaj
The author arrived to Slovakia. He had to see the poverty of this area. He is highly disappointed and he longed for death.
4. Léthé
5. Acheron
Mína, the daughter of goddess Sláva(the author's love), turned into a fairy and took the author to the heaven and to the hell of Slovacs.
- O literární vzájemnosti mezi kmeny a nářečími slavskĭmi (On the literary reciprocity between Slav tribes and vernaculars)