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The SLIR (Service Laboratoire Infra Rouge) was founded at the end of the 1970s to coordinate the development of night vision equipment for the French army. The SLIR is part of the LETI (Laboratoire d'Electronique et Technologie de l'Information), a collection of government laboratories specialized in applied research. The LETI's mission is to work in close collaboration with the national industry and transfer mature and exploitable technologies to it. The SLIR was the first laboratory to grow HgCdTe by molecular beam epitaxy.
[edit] Areas of Expertise of the SLIR
- Growth of CdZnTe and CdTe both as substrates for the epitaxy of HgCdTe, and for X-ray detection.
- Epitaxy of HgCdTe by liquid phase epitaxy and molecular beam epitaxy
- Semiconductor characterization
- Fabrication and packaging of Si microbolometers and HgCdTe-based infrared detectors
The SLIR works closely with a variety of French industries, such as (among others) SOFRADIR (cooled infrared detectors) and Ulis (microbolometers).