Talk:Smith & Wesson Model 910
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[edit] Context Needed
This article needs to be expanded. Right now, it gives a list of facts about the subject without any guiding structure to organize it. Also, needs some kind of introduction to conform to Wiki-standards. Phase2man 17:07, 29 November 2005 (UTC)
Okay, I think the article has been revised sufficiently to remove the context tag. IMO, the current article offers a sufficient intro to give appropriate context for the article. For now, it's best to work on expanding the article with more information. Phase2man 17:57, 29 November 2005 (UTC)
this article is totally inacurate: the S&W 910 is a 2nd generation semiautomatic, way before 2005, and it is a full sized pistol (the 15 round magazine and so on) it should be rewritten from start.
- You are partially correct. The 910 was introduced in 1995. Despite its three digit designation, it is a 3rd Generation pistol. S&W has never been entirely consistant with its numbering schemes. The 910 was a simplified version of the earlier 915, which itself was an economy version of the 5904. The designation was quite simple: the 9 stood for the caliber (9x19mm) and the 10 stood for the capacity of its shipped magazines (which at the time was 10rds due to the federal assault weapons law that ran from 1994 to 2004.) D.E. Watters 19:27, 21 December 2006 (UTC)