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Snaps is a small shot of a strong alcoholic beverage taken during the course of a meal, very much like the German schnapps. Drinking snaps is a tradition in Scandinavia.
A snaps is usually brännvin (which may be vodka or akvavit), but can also be some other light-bodied spirit, as long as it isn't sweet. Snaps is usually distilled from grain or potato and is, in its raw form, without fragrance. Most snaps have flavour added as a part of the production or later. This can come from storing in casks or by adding, for example, herbs. The flavour of the spirit should be in harmony with the flavour of the meal. Spirits such as whisky or brandy are never drunk as snaps.
Swedes, Danes and Swedish-speaking Finns have a tradition of singing songs, snapsvisor, before drinking snaps. The snapsvisa is typically an ode to the joys of snaps and praises its flavour, or expresses a craving for the drink.
Snaps (and snapsvisor) are an inseparable part of crayfish parties, which are notoriously tipsy affairs, even by Swedish and Finnish standards. This is not a surprise, since dozens of songs might be sung during such a meal, and every song demands a round of snaps. Mind you, the glass does not need to be emptied every time and it is recommended not to drink the snaps too fast. An entrée consisting of sill (pickled herring) and potatoes is most typically served with snaps, as is also the infamous Swedish surströmming, which most people can't stomach and which some find impossible to swallow without an accompanying snaps. This heritage comes from the brännvinsbord, an archaic Swedish entrée.
[edit] Home distilling and home flavouring
Distilling your own snaps is illegal in all Scandinavian countries. It was earlier a wide spread tradition but as commercial snaps are today of very high quality, that is difficult to attain for the home distiller, home distilling is today very limited.
A tradition of "home flavouring" your snaps exists in Scandinavia. This tradition may be strongest in the southern areas, particularly Denmark. A modern Snaps enthusiast will typically buy a commercially-made, neutral-tasting Snaps, then add flavour by adding selected herbs, found in the nature or grown in the garden. For instance, in northern Denmark, various spices are added to snaps to make a version called "Bjesk", meaning "bitter".
Popular choices in home flavouring include, but are certainly not limited to: Bog-myrtle (Myrica gale L.), Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.), Dill (Anethum graveolens L.), Persian Walnut (Juglans regia L.). , St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.), Absinth Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.), and Woodruff (Galium odoratum L.). Plants are commonly used individually, but some enthusiasts experiment with mixing to achieve the perfect flavour. NOTE: Some plants found in nature are poisonous; seek advice and do not risk your health.
Major Scandinavian brands of snaps include: Swedish "O P Andersson", Nowegian "Linie Akvavit" and Danish "Aalborg".