Social Ecological Institute
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Social Ecological Institute (pl. Spoleczny Instytut Ekologiczny - SIE) is a non-profit organisation (Society) founded in Warsaw, Poland in 1990. It is a watchdog and non-governmental organisation of public benefit (pl. Organizacja Pozytku Publicznego). The SIE cooperates with Greenpeace and ANPED, and is a member of the Polish Green Network, the Coalition for the Development of Organic Agriculture and the PAN EUROPE.
SIE's aims: natural environment protection; supporting the sustainable development through partnership, cooperation and participation in other NGOs' initiatives.
To achieve these aims, the SIE:
- cooperates with the Polish and foreign institutions and organisations, which have similar goals;
- promotes and supports various activities that raise the society's awareness to the environmental issues;
- participates in legal proceedings concerning environment protection;
- creates and manages its own programmes concerning environment-friendly and sustainable development;
- organises meetings, trainings and conferences on sustainable development;
- runs educational, informational and publishing activities;
- develops alternative forms of sustainable development;
- cooperates with public administration, mass-media, and companies;
- prepares projects, expert's reports, studies, forecasts and programmes about ecological issues.
Recent projects:
- "Green Bridges of the Narew River"
- "Kurpie: a model of biodiversity in agriculture – conservation and multiplication of native breeds of farm animals and cultivation varieties of local plants"
- "Polish ornamental gardens"
- "Monastery gardens – the centres of biodiversity"
- "New Polish orchards of ancient cultivars"
- "GMO – a threat to the Poland"s biodiversity"
- "An example of the biomass use for energy purposes in urban conditions"
- "Use of biomass to produce heat energy in a local boiler plant"