User talk:Some eldar guy
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[edit] Some Eldar Guy
Hi, im some guy. Welcome all!!!
[edit] Necrowarrio0
Hello. Talk to me in my user page! Sign it like this Necrowarrio0
[edit] Some Eldar Guy
No! Talk on my page! Tim? You there? I have something important to tell you!
[edit] Some Eldar Guy
No one on my page, ;-(
[edit] littlebilly1221
hello? anyone there?
[edit] Some Eldar Guy
Sam....I'm gonna kill you....
[edit] Necrowarrio0
Gosh, clean up your talk page..... Necrowarrio0 02:27, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Some Eldar Guy
Nah, dun feel like it. =p Some Eldar Guy 02:29, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Slashgiltar
Hello. My Name is Captain Kayvaan Shrike 02:31, 30 August 2006 (UTC). I like food. I can't type at all. I have no sense of morality. Thank You for listening.
[edit] littlebilly1221
[edit] Some Eldar Guy
[edit] Slashgiltar
Hello. It is me again. Please visit me at:user talk:slashgiltar. Thank you for listening.
[edit] You actually aren't allowed to delete stuff on your talk page....
I reckon dats stupid...... Necrowarrio0 22:33, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Some Eldar Guy
DO NOT advertise your talk page!!
[edit] If you need to ask, ask user:Netsnipe
I didnt make da rules..... Necrowarrio0 22:37, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] littlebilly1221
why are you going to kill me?