Southern Evangelical Seminary
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Southern Evangelical is a Seminary and Bible College near Charlotte, North Carolina, dedicated to training men and women to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and defend the historic Christian faith (see Christian Apologetics). The seminary was established in 1992 by Dr. Norman Geisler, a Christian apologist, philosopher and theologian, and Ross Rhoads, former pastor of Calvary Church and currently the chaplain of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA). The Bible College was established in 2004.
Southern Evangelical is accredited by the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools ([1]) and has Associate Membership status with the Association of Theological Schools ([2]). SES has also been a member organization of the Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability ([3]) since 1999.
In 2006 evangelist-apologist Alex McFarland became Southern Evangelical Seminary's third president. A graduate of Liberty University, Alex McFarland earned a B.S. and M.A. in Christian Thought/Apologetics, and was awarded an honorary D.Div. from Southern Evangelical in May 2006. Alex has been in full-time Christian ministry since 1989, and has been traveling as an apologetics-based evangelist since 1996 (speaking in all 50 states and at well over 400 venues over the last ten years).
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[edit] Degree Programs
Degree Programs offered at SES offer training under some of the top Christian apologists and Bible teachers in the country who are committed to classical theology, classical philosophy, and classical apologetics. To that end SES offers the following degree programs:
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Religious Studies Master of Arts in Religion (M.A.R.) Master of Arts in (M.A.) with majors in: Apologetics, Philosophy, Church Ministry, Christian Education, and Biblical Studies. Master of Divinity (M.Div.) with majors in: Apologetics and Biblical Studies. Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) with a major in Apologetics.
[edit] Resident and Distance Education
Distance Education is also available from Southern Evangelical. The Bible College and the Seminary offer one of the most advanced external studies program available. For those unable to move to the Charlotte area, lectures can be provided online or through DVD video. Although external students miss out on some great fellowship and discipleship, they get the same lectures, notes, textbooks, assignments, and degrees that resident students do - and they can take the courses on their own timetable.
[edit] Faculty
SES faculty includes Norman Geisler, Barry Leventhal, Thomas Howe, Jason Reed, Steve Strauss, Gary Habermas, Ron Rhodes, Win Corduan, Frank Beckwith, Ergun Caner, Bill Nix, and many others.
[edit] Visiting SES
If you are available we can schedule a campus visit. If you are interested please do not hesitate to contact us at [4] or call 1-800-77-TRUTH.