From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] Space exploration
Space Shuttle Columbia launches at Space Shuttle program, by NASA |
Buzz Aldrin on the Moon at Apollo 11, by Neil Armstrong |
Space Shuttle launch plume shadow at Space Shuttle program by NASA (edited by Fir0002) |
[edit] Astronomy
Persian astrolabe at Astrolabe, by Andrew Dunn |
Distance between Earth and Moon at The Moon's orbit by Nickshanks |
Solar eclipse, by Luc Viatour (edited by Diliff) |
433 Eros, by NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft |
Io, by Galileo probe |
Kepler's Supernova at SN 1604, by Spitzer space telescope, Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory |
Tycho's supernova at SN 1572, by Chandra X-ray Observatory |
Dione and Saturn at Dione, by Cassini orbiter |
Deep Impact Probe Collision at Deep Impact, by NASA |
Earthrise at Apollo 8, by William Anders |