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[edit] SpaceFalcon2001
Aka SF2K1, I'm a Jew of a conservadox background. My family was relativly traditional in my upringing, and, overtime, I just found myself striving to refine my Jewishness. I use my family's original minhag (ashkenaz) as a base, but I am not against building upon it (adding something chassidish, yeshivaish, or otherwise) if it seems like it will be a legitimate or halachic impovment. I am mainly just pro-religious.
I'm currently in college at U of Cincinnati working on a dual major between Psychology and Judaic Studies.
My Contact Info:
- AIM: SpaceFalcon2001
- YIM: SpaceFalcon2001
- ICQ: 169255274
- MSN:
- Email: Same as MSN
My Contributions!
About Me
This user observes the dietary laws of Kashrut. |
This user supports the free and independent state of Israel. |
This user was born on :
January 15th, 1987
14th of Tevet, 5747. |
This user lives in, or comes from, Ohio. |
This user is a fan of Dune. |
>_< |
This person dislikes Manga (or doesn't admit to reading it). |
>_< |
This person dislikes anime. |
choice |
This user believes that the pro-life and pro-choice philosophies are not mutually exclusive. |
This user likes all of the colors. |
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[edit] Articles Introduced by me