Stem rust (barley)
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Stem rust is a fungal diseases of barley caused by Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici and Puccinia graminis f.sp. secalis.[1][2]
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[edit] Symptoms
Leaf rust is characterized by large pustules that are oval to elongated and are often surrounded by a characteristic torn margin. The red rust or summer spore stage (uredinia) is evident on stems, leaf sheaths, glumes, awns, and leaves as elongate pustules containing reddish brown spore masses which fall away easily. The black rust or autumn spore stage (telia) looks like the red stage except for the black color, but do not dislodge.
[edit] Disease cycle
Stem rust survives the summer mainly on volunteer wheat, barley, triticale and some grasses including common wheat grass and barley grass. Barberry species (Berberis vulgaris. B. canadensis, B. fendleri) serve as an alternate host for Puccinia graminis.
Spores are spread by wind to susceptible hosts. High humidity and heavy dew favour development of the disease which develops rapidly at temperatures near 20°C. Disease development s markedly reduced by temperatures below 15°C and above 40°C.
[edit] External links
[edit] Extension publications
[edit] Research articles
Dill-Macky, R.; A. P. Roelfs (2000). "The effect of stand density on the development of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in barley". Plant Dis. 84: 29-34.
Dill-Macky, R.; A.P. Roelfs (2006). "[[1] The effect of race QCCJ of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici on yield and quality in barley]". Plant Dis. 82: 674-678.
Kilian, A.; B. J. Steffenson, M. A. Saghai Maroof (1994). "RFLP Markers Linked to the Durable Stem Rust Resistance Gene Rpg1 in Barley". MPMI 7: 298-301.
Liu, J.Q.; D.E. Harder, J.A. Kolmer (1996). "Competitive ability of races of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici on three barley cultivars and a susceptible wheat cultivar". Phytopathology 86: 627-632.
Martens, J.W.; G.J. Green, K.W. Buchannon (1983). "Inheritance of resistance to Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae in a Hordeum vulgare selection". CJPP 5: 266-268.
Steffenson, B.J.; R.D. Wilcoxson (1987). "Receptivity of barley to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici". CJPP 9: 36-40.
Sun, Yongliang; Brian J. Steffenson, Yue Jin (1996). "Genetics of resistance to Puccinia graminis f. sp. secalis in barley line Q21861". Phytopathology 86: 1299-1302.