Steve Wallach
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Steve Wallach is currently an adviser to Centerpoint Venture partners, Sevin-Rosen, and Interwest, and a consultant to the US DOE ASC (Advanced Scientific Computing) program at Los Alamos. Previously he was V.P. of technology for Chiaro Networks and was co-founder of Convex Computers, their chief technology officer and senior V.P. of development. After Hewlett-Packard bought Convex, Wallach became the chief technology officer of the large systems group. He was also a visiting professor at Rice University 1998-1999. Prior to Convex, he was manager of Advanced Development for Data General. His efforts on the MV/8000 are chronicled in Tracy Kidder's Pulitzer Prize winner The Soul of a New Machine. Wallach has 33 patents and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, an IEEE Fellow and was a founding member of PITAC, (The Presidential Information Technology Advisory Committee).