Super Trio Series
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The Super Trio Show Series (Traditional Chinese: 獎門人系列, literally "The Prize Master Series") was a TV gameshow series produced by TVB. The series debuted in 1994, and remained in production for 10 years due to its popularity. The show was hosted by Eric Tsang (曾志偉) and his two assistants - Jerry Lam Hiu Foong (林曉峰) and Chin Ka Lok (錢嘉樂). Jordan Chan (陳小春) was one of the hosts in Season One, and was replaced by Chin from Season Two onwards.
Each episode featured several popular Hong Kong celebrities as guest stars, and they participated in different games devised by the producers. At the end of each round, attractive (or sometimes bizarre) prizes would be awarded to the winners. The guests' participation in the games and their interactions with the hosts produced many amusing moments captured by the camera, and these moments had come to be the show's main draw; some had also turned into running gags.
The show ended its run with the airing of the final episode on 10 July 2005.
[edit] Episode titles/names
Over its 10-year run, the show had used different names to identify its different seasons.
The names used are as follows, in order from:
Chinese title, (literal English translation/Official English title)
- Season 1: 超級無敵獎門人 (The Super, Invincible Prize Master/Movie Buff Championship)
- Also: 超級無敵獎門人之再戰江湖 (???/Movie Buff Championship (Sr. 2)), with one episode being a drama-type episode rather than a game show episode
- Season 2: 天下無敵獎門人 (The Unbeatable Prize Master/The Super Trio Show)
- Season 3: 驚天動地獎門人 (The Shocking Prize Master/The Super Trio Mega Show)
- Season 4: 宇宙無敵獎門人 (The Universally Invincible Prize Master/The Super Trio Show (Sr.2))
- Season 5: 吾係獎門人 (Not The Prize Master or I Am The Prize Master/A Trio Delights [sic])
- Season 6 (final season): 繼續無敵獎門人 (The Continually Invincible Prize Master/The Super Trio Continues)
[edit] 超級無敵獎門人 (Movie Buff Championship)
Airdates: December 1995 - July 17, 1996
Timeslots: Wednesday evenings
[edit] 超級無敵獎門人之再戰江湖 (Movie Buff Championship (Sr.2))
Airdates: May 1997 - November 1997
Timeslots: Wednesday evenings
[edit] 天下無敵獎門人 (The Super Trio Show)
Airdates: October 18, 1998 - April 11, 1999
Timeslots: Sunday evenings
[edit] 驚天動地獎門人 (The Super Trio Mega Show)
Airdates: August 30, 1999 - October 1, 1999
At the time, Princess Pearl played on ATV, which created competition between the networks. Therefore, TVB decided to air the episodes on weekdays.
Timeslots: Weekday evenings from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm Hong Kong time
[edit] 宇宙無敵獎門人 (The Super Trio Show (Sr.2))
Airdates: October 29, 2000 - February 25, 2001
Timeslots: Sunday evenings
[edit] 吾係獎門人 (A Trio Delights)
Airdates: August 10, 2002 - December 7, 2002
Timeslots: Saturday evenings from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm, with the exception of episodes 14 and 16, which played from 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm)
[edit] 繼續無敵獎門人 (The Super Trio Continues)
Airdates: September 26, 2004 - July 17, 2005
Timeslots: Sunday evenings from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm with the exceptions of:
- Ep 37 (十年大典, the 10th year episode and finale): 8:30 to 10:00 pm
- Ep 38, played in 2 parts:
- Part 1: 水著歡樂 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm
- Part 2: 興波作浪 10:30 pm to 11:00 pm
- Ep 01: 鄭丹瑞、伍詠薇、杜汶澤、田蕊妮、黃伊汶、洪天明
- Ep 02: 梁漢文、何韻詩、雷宇揚、湯盈盈、成奎安、劉玉翠
- Ep 03: 蘭茜、劉以達、楊思琦、謝天華、劉曉彤、鄧兆尊
- Ep 04: 許志安、鄭融、余文樂、韓君婷、黃卓玲、林雪
- Ep 05: 陳慧琳、方力申、吳國敬、阮兆祥、陳百祥、曾華倩、江欣燕、梅小惠
- Ep 06: 朱咪咪、鄧萃雯、袁彩雲、吳家樂、彭健新、蔣志光
- Ep 07: 陶大宇、郭可盈、張達明、佘詩曼、王青、陳松伶
- Ep 08: 張家輝、郭羡妮、黃宗澤、陳敏芝、姚瑩瑩、連凱
- Ep 09: 麥長青、黃泆潼、陳彥行、林子聰、2R(Rosanne、Race)、EO2(Eddie、Eric、Otto、Osman)
- Ep 10: 魏駿傑、康華、劉家輝、苑瓊丹、黃光亮、彭丹
- Ep 11: 蘇志威、譚小環、黎耀祥、滕麗明、八兩金、馬蹄露
- Ep 12: 張衛健、李彩樺、蒙嘉慧、黃一飛、姚樂怡、洪天明
- Ep 13: 楊千嬅、黃浩然、陳文媛、森美、王合喜、車婉婉
- Ep 14: 蘇玉華、李珊珊、康子妮、曾國祥、元華、女生宿舍(Toby、Elise、Macy、Bella)
- Ep 15: 夏韶聲、蓋明暉、黃家強、李克勤、張柏芝、安雅
- Ep 16: 盧海鵬、廖安麗、鄧梓蜂、劉曉彤、鄧兆尊、郭少芸
- Ep 17: 鄭丹瑞、洪天明、蘭茜、劉永健、楊思琦、譚小環、林敏聰、吳家樂、陳伶俐、姚螢螢、黃泆潼、曹永廉
- Ep 18: 唐寧、伍詠薇、陳鍵鋒、陳山聰、方力申、Cookies(Stephy、Theresa、Miki、Kary)
- Ep 19: 蔡少芬、唐文龍、朱潔儀、羅莽、洪欣、許紹雄
- Ep 20: 李燦森、趙學而、劉浩龍、關心妍、田啟文、焦媛
- Ep 21: 唐麗球、林漪娸、嘉碧兒、吳文昕、沈寶兒、戚黛黛、任達華、戴誌偉、盧惠光、梁家仁、吳岱融、陳紀匡
- Ep 22: 梁榮忠、劉玉翠、張國強、葉蘊儀、林敏聰、葉璇
- Ep 23: 許冠英、官恩娜、張智霖、黃佩霞、胡杏兒、馬德鐘
- Ep 24: 陶大宇、向海嵐、陳豪、廖碧兒、張達明、蘇玉華、吳家樂、陳松伶
- Ep 25: 李綺紅、康華、王合喜、黃智賢、阮兆祥、鄧兆尊、楊思琦、劉曉彤
- Ep 26: 陳雅倫、陳浩民、姚樂怡、關禮傑、謝天華、趙學而、李國麟、陳彥行
- Ep 27: 林家楝、郭少芸、黃宗澤、湯盈盈、八兩金、朱咪咪、吳毅將、吳文昕
- Ep 28: 陳奕迅、何韻詩、何超儀、盧巧音、張錦程、麥包、蕭正楠、梁雪湄
- Ep 29: 伍詠薇、陳山蔥、李子雄、陳敏之,對苗僑偉、何家勁、葉璇、滕麗名
- Ep 30: 王喜、袁潔儀、蔡子健、焦媛、洪天明、袁彩雲、雷宇揚、袁潔瑩
- Ep 31: 劉美君、劉以達、梁榮忠、陳錦鴻、張錦程、劉玉翠、蘇玉華、湯寶如、蘇志威、彭健新
- Ep 32: 元華、元秋、梁漢文、劉家輝、Otto、梁琤、官恩娜及江恩慈
- Ep 33: 陳豪、周麗淇;黎耀祥、譚小環、巫啟賢、彭丹、歐錦棠、馬蹄露
- Ep 34: 梅小惠、郭少芸、張慧儀、陳文媛、蕭正楠、陳浩民、劉浩龍、周俊偉
- Ep 35: 鄧梓峰、鄧兆尊、彭健新、楊思琦、袁彩雲、葉璇,鄭中基、李璨琛、張達明、阮兆祥、楊愛謹、魯芬
- Ep 36: 林家楝,吳家樂、焦媛、黎燕珊、吳文忻、王俊棠、岑寶兒、洪天明、張穎康、姚樂怡、張國強、黃泆潼、戴夢夢、鬼塚、謝天華、官恩娜、康華、陳芷菁、陳敏之、羅莽、唐文龍
- Ep 37 (十年大典, the 10th year episode and finale): 八兩金、方力申、王合喜、王喜、田蕊妮、伍詠薇、吳文忻、吳家樂、李燦森、谷德昭、阮兆祥、官恩娜、林雪、姚樂怡、洪天明、苗橋偉、馬蹄露、張國強、張達明、張錦程、梁雪湄、許紹雄、陳文媛、陳百祥、陳芷菁、陳彥行、陳敏之、陳慧琳、彭丹、黃光亮、黃佩霞、黃宗澤、黃泆潼、楊愛瑾、葉璇、趙學而、劉小慧、劉以達、劉玉翠、劉曉彤、鄭中基、鄧兆尊、魯芬、黎耀祥、謝天華、韓君婷、羅莽、蘇玉華、蘭茜、康子妮、湯盈盈
- Ep 38 (水著歡樂, 興波作浪): 洪天明、雷宇揚、黃德斌、吳家樂、王喜、陳山聰、EO2(Eddie、Eric、Otto、Osman)、姚樂怡、黃泆潼、楊嘉雯、關寶慧、岑寶兒、陳彥行、吳文忻、鍾禧文、張睿玲、梁靖琪、香港小姐(Toby)
[edit] 繼續無敵獎門人不敗之謎 (The Super Trio - Total Recall)
Timeslot: Saturday, July 16, 2005 from 10:30 pm to 11:00 pm
This final special, hosted by only Jerry Lam (林曉峰) and Chin Ka Lok (錢嘉樂), featured clips from past seasons, and parts of the final ceremony in the last (37th) episode of The Super Trio Continues.