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[edit] Copyvio
This page has just been reverted (which I have reversed) for a copyvio without explanation. Perhaps the offending parts could be pointed out so that a proper rewrite/removal can happen without destroying quite a bit of good article. --Regan123 00:33, 28 January 2007 (UTC)
- The history section was copied from and, and the owner of the website complained (OTRS ticket #2007012710001442). Wikipedia's policy for dealing with copyvios is to revert to the last pre-copyvio version, or to delete the page if there is no version that is not a copyvio. --Carnildo 01:47, 28 January 2007 (UTC)
I am the author of the original work. I am sorry Wikipedia has chosen to remove the version that appeared here. As part of my commitment to the community it is free for use by non-commercial organisations such as Wikipedia (see terms of use on our website). However Wikipedia granted it a GNU licence and will not publish without one. This breaks the original copyright/attribution conditions. I feed my family by selling my work to commercial organisations so I hope you will understand. Especially as the reason I found this was because of commercial exploitation of this work by others. Hopefully one day that Wikipedia may revise its policy so I can contribute directly myself. Best wishes - Stuart - PS Regan I would be delighted to discuss this further in our Forum.