Syndicated columnist
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia defines a syndicated columnist as, "[A] person hired by publications or broadcast organizations to produce written or spoken commentary about specific feature subjects."
[edit] Examples
In written form, syndicated columns generally appear in numerous publications with a reader base that may span an entire nation or beyond. Examples include:
- Anna Quindlen
- Dave Barry
- Max Boot
- Jeanne Phillips (Dear Abby)
- George Will
- Dave Kopel
- David Brooks
- Rosa Brooks
- Jonathan Chait
- Ann Coulter
- Maureen Dowd
- Thomas Friedman
- David Frum
- Jonah Goldberg
- Molly Ivins
- Garrison Keillor
- Charles Krauthammer
- Paul Krugman
- William Pfaff
- Daniel Pipes
- Katha Pollitt
- Mark Steyn
- Andrew Sullivan
- Fareed Zakaria
- Noam Chomsky
- Christopher Hitchens
- Peter Hitchens
- Salman Rushdie
- Naomi Klein
- Francis Fukuyama
- Niall Ferguson
- Timothy Garton Ash
- Robert Fisk
- John Pilger
- George Monbiot
- Howard Zinn
- Thomas Sowell
- Gore Vidal
- Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
- Johann Hari
- Greg Palast
- Kitty Kelley
- Amira Hass
- Bob Woodward
- Seymour Hersh
- Christina Lamb
- Ghaith Abdul-Ahad
- Alexander Cockburn
- Andrew Cockburn
- Patrick Cockburn
- Paul Johnson (writer)
- Dilip Hiro
- Melanie Phillips
- Jennifer Vanasco
In broadcast formats such as television or radio, syndicated columnists host regularly scheduled segments with particular topics or themes which are carried by multiple stations within a network, usually also nation-wide or world-wide. Syndicated radio and television columnists include: