User talk:Eugenrau
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Ancient written clay tablet. I am Rau Eugen Doru,engineer,(55) from the city of Timisoara,Romania. I am involved in the work of decipherment of some ancient written clay tablet discovered in Romania, (in the years 1960-65).They are at Cluj-city National History museum.Nobody knows their age exactly.What is generaly supposed,of approximately 4.500 B.C.My opinion is that their age could be at least 2.000BC and maximum 5.000 BC.
My work is comprising of reading using some older languages ( and coresponding civilisations) readings,and some "new"-ones.
The lu siculu is a strong,powerful participant,in the age range of 2.000-3.000BC.In fact this language could have,and really has VERY old roots. I have a realistic and good immage, also my own theory of how different european languages (and not only)emerged.I am an admirerer of Mr. Semerano also. I want to get in touch with somebody motivated,and wanting to be involved in a very important matter regarding my decipherment work,and ultimately,in evealing the unknown aspects of Sicilian,Romanian and why not, Europe history.To be sincere,I am asking for help,in the form of counseling me,to get the most accurate reading, and in a indirect way to get the most ccurate immage of ancient ,Old Europe.Of course this person must know the (old) sicilian language.Better to change opinions and data in a public way (not to be kept secret of others wiew and knowing)
I am interested to make public my intentions.If somebody is interested,I am at your disposal with my work (I don't want to keep nothing secret ),especially if somebody is interested to make an press-anouncemnt,or write an article about this.I do not want any money from anybody or any kind of exchange of any type.Thank you in advance.
ing. Eugen Rau, Str.Motilor Nr.3 Timisoara 1900,jud.Timis ROMANIA tel. +40256495823 ;
- I hope you don't mind, but I copied your note to the forum, just to give the idea a bit more coverage - it's a fascinating subject, but I don't feel expert enough to help.
ρ¡ρρµ δ→θ∑ - (waarom? jus'b'coz!) 12:31, 18 jinnaru 2006 (UTC)