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This image has been requested for deletion. See Deletion requests for the discussion.
Reason given for the deletion request is: Redistribution of this photo is allowed if the source is acknowledged, but there is no indication that modification is permitted. This photo is likely not free enough.
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- Visit the deletion requests subpage, and place the following code:
{{subst:delete2|image=Image:Romano Prodi, 2006 G8 Summit.jpg|reason=Redistribution of this photo is allowed if the source is acknowledged, but there is no indication that modification is permitted. This photo is likely not free enough. --~~~~}}
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Rebelguys2 21:23, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
Pàggini c'ùsanu sta mmàggini
Li pàggini siquenti richiàmanu sta mmàggini: