User talk:Moralist
Frae Wikipedia
Hou's yer dous?
A'm cuirious hou the ten commaundments gangs alang wi anarchism?*
Eh kent a Christian Anarchist in Dundee whan Eh steyed there. Fir thon boy, his Christianity wis a personal hin, an he lived his life bi whit he thocht wis richt - the Bible - an tried tae convince ithers tae dae the same, bit he didnae mind gin they didnae, as lang as they wir decent fowk. Bazza 12:30, 22 Januar 2007 (UTC)
- Well, I think that christianity goes better along with the commandments then capitalism and conservatism does... But I am no ordinary christian ;) //Moralist 21:17, 23 Januar 2007 (UTC)