St Margaret's Hup
Frae Wikipedia
St Margaret's Hup, kent locally as The Hope, is a village in the Orkney Islands, situate aff the north-aest coast o Scotland. It is Orkney's third maist muckle setlement, efter Kirkwa an Stromness. It his a population o aboot 550, an is placed at the heid o a sheltered bey at the north end o Sooth Ronaldsay, aff Water Soond. It is Sooth Ronaldsay's main veelage, an is named efter Margaret o Norowey that dee'd there. The veelage haes a primary schuil, a smaa blacksmith's museum, a nummer o shops an restaurants includin the merkit Creel Inn. A ferry service rins tae Gills Bey on the Scots mainland three times daily, wi an average time o an oor ae-wey.
It is kent for its annual Boys' Plouin Match an aw, a local tradeetion whaur young lads plous in the saunds at the nearby Saund o Wricht, an young lasses weirs tradeetional 'horse' costumes.