St Pauls, Bristol
Frae Wikipedia
A destrict o Bristol, UK on the ootskirts o the Ceity Mids. St.Pauls is famously kent throughout the UK as an area o heich wrang-daein (drog dealin an prostitiution). It is the mids o the ceities African an Jamaican communities monie o whilk are Secoint generation.
Architectur in St.Pauls is Georgian styled biggins an the destrict haes monie quaders.
In throu the sweltrie simmer o 1981, tensions stairtit tae rise at the inequality faced bi the black youth in the area, an riots soon brake oot, an wis anerly quelled bi Police usin tear gas sprayed intil the clamjamfrie.
St Pauls is the hame tae a smaa but thrivin Hip Hop scene, whaur onybodie can find monie breakdancers an Rap crews.