Frae Wikipedia
A stane is a unit o mass in the Imperial seestem o weights an measures formerly uised in the Unitit Kinrick, Ireland, an maist Commonwealth Kintras. It is match tae 14 punds avoirdupois. In SI Units it is match tae 6.35kg.
It wis frequently uised in the past for weighing agricultural commodities: potatoes, for ensaumple, wis tradeetionally selt in stanes or hauf-stanes (14-pund or 7-pund quantities). Thou nae langer an offeicial unit o meisur (in medical an ither technical contexts kilograms are uised), the stane remains in awmaist universal popular uise in Breetain an Ireland for expressing human body weight. A chiel wad sicwice normally describe thairsels as weighing, say, "11 stane 4" (11 stane an 4 pund).
While the stane as a unit o wecht isna kent o in the Unitit States an Canadae, punds alane are gey near nae uised ava tae express body wecht in Breetain an Ireland.