Frae Wikipedia
Swisserland (German: die Schweiz, Frainch: la Suisse, Italian: Svizzera, Romansh: Svizra, Laitin: Helvetica), or as it is kent offeecially the Swiss Confederation (German: Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, French: Confédération Suisse, Italian: Confederazione Svizzera an Romansh: Confederaziun Svizra, Laitin: Confoederatio Helvetica), is a Alpine kintra in Central Europe. It laundlockit an haes laund mairches wi Germany tae the North, Fraunce tae the Wast, Italy tae the Sooth an Austrik an Liechtenstein tae the East. Historically it wis aye a Confederation but syne 1848 it haes been a Federation. It haes a michty strang economy in finance an bankin an haes lang syne been a neutral kintra baith poleetically an meelitarily.