Talk:Ulcers (buird-gemm)
Frae Wikipedia
Aw A ken aboot the gemm is whit A've scrieven...A'll pittin hit in Inglis ablo.
"It's goal is to get together a staff for your venture before the other players (2-4 of them) which might not be too hard because you can steal away your opponents employees with certain cards."
Ah wi staff ye mean a curn fowk an no a widden stick? The English isna ony mair clearer aither.
A'v juist taen a keek at thon picter o an ulcer cairt. A jalouse the English on o it wisna written bi a native speaker - or is it American?
A dinnae sei hou ye cannae unnerstaund whit the cairt is sayin. Mebbie ye juist cannae read the letters richt - "You may raid (steal) one employee from the player to your left."
An yea a mean a curn fowk... A think ma Inglis translation is guid eneuch. Nou Uiserr