Bunk bed
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A bunk bed is a stack of two or more beds. Metal poles or wooden beams connect the bottom bed (called the bottom bunk) to the top bed (called the top bunk). A ladder is used to get up to the top bunk. The ladder is usually attached to the bed.
[edit] Use in homes
Bunk beds are often used in children's rooms. Since bunk beds allow a family to put two beds in the space of a single bed, bunk beds save space. Bunk beds help families with small apartments or houses to have enough beds for their children.
[edit] Use in institutions and public facilities
Bunk beds are often used in institutions such as prisons. As well, they are often used in public facilities such as homeless shelters and bomb shelters. Bunk beds are also used in firehalls, to give firefighters a place to sleep.
[edit] Use in camps and hostels
Summer camps and winter cabins for children (such as boy scouts or girl scouts) often have bunk beds. Hostels, a type of inexpensive hotel for travelers, often have bunk beds. Some ski lodges have bunk beds in their rooms.