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Fertilization (English spelling: fertilisation) is what happens when a male's sperm goes inside of a female's ovum (or "egg") and form a zygote. Fertilization is also called conception.
In humans, biologists call a fertilized egg a zygote. It is called an embryo from 3-8 weeks (the embryonic period.) Then after 8 weeks, it is called a fetus.
If it continues to grow normally it can eventually become a baby.
People have different beliefs about when life starts:
- Some people believe that life begins at conception.
- Some people believe that life begins after the embryonic period (when the organs form.)
- Some people believe that life begins when the fetus is able to live outside of the woman.
- Some people believe that life begins after a baby is born.
This difference in what people believe has led to many arguments over abortion.