The first question out of your tiny, lonely and curious brain-cell will be - why the Green Giant? Well it was one of the brand names burn't into my subconscious self as a child. I'd have gone for User:Coca-Cola but I figured people would be less provacative towards the Green Giant.
I'm from the Great City-State of Leeds in the West Riding, officially part of the Untied Kingdom, unofficially part of the Great Yorkshire Republic. My main interests revolve around Ancient History, Environmental Issues and Human Rights. I'm an ardent fan of local independence and an opponent of rampant commercial Globalisation, especially involving the insidious spread of my native language (English) at a huge cost to many unique small languages like the Celtic languages of this Sceptred Isle. Small numbers of stalwarts still speak Gaelic, Irish and Welsh while sadly Cornish and Manx have effectively vanished.
- Genuine poetic quote:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"