List of nearest galaxies
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This list of the nearest galaxies to Earth is ordered by increasing distance. Many of the distances are only guesses, and some may be incorrect by 50% or more. The distance ranking in this list should be seen only as a guess. Distances are given in light years (ly).
- Milky Way Galaxy - home galaxy of Earth
- Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy - 25,000 ly (satellite of Milky Way)
- Sagittarius Dwarf - 81,000 ly (satellite of Milky Way)
- Large Magellanic Cloud - 160,000 ly (satellite of Milky Way)
- Small Magellanic Cloud - 190,000 ly (satellite of Milky Way)
- Ursa Minor Dwarf - 205,500 ly (satellite of Milky Way)
- Draco Dwarf - 248,000 ly (satellite of Milky Way)
- Sculptor Dwarf - 254,000 ly (satellite of Milky Way)
- Sextans Dwarf - 257,500 ly (satellite of Milky Way)
- Carina Dwarf - 283,500 ly (satellite of Milky Way)
- Fornax Dwarf - 427,000 ly (satellite of Milky Way)
- Leo II - 701,000 ly
- Leo I - 890,000 ly
- Phoenix Dwarf - 1,271,000 ly
- Barnards Galaxy (NGC 6822) - 1,760,000 ly
- NGC185 - 2,021,000 ly (satellite of Andromeda)
- NGC147 - 2,152,000 ly (satellite of Andromeda)
- Andromeda Galaxy (M31) - 2,363,000 ly
- M32 (NGS 221) - 2,363,500 ly (satellite of Andromeda)
- M110 (NGC 205) - 2,363,500 ly (satellite of Andromeda)
- Andromeda I - 2,363,500 ly (satellite of Andromeda)
- Andromeda II - 2,363,500 ly (satellite of Andromeda)
- Andromeda III - 2,363,500 ly (satellite of Andromeda)
- LGS 3 - 2,477,500 ly (satellite of Triangulum)
- IC 1613 - 2,494,000 ly
- Triangulum Galaxy (M33) - 2,592,000 ly
- Aquarius Dwarf - 2,608,000 ly
- Tucana Dwarf - 2,836,000 ly
- Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte (WLM) - 3,064,500 ly
[edit] See also
- Galaxy
- Local Group
- List of satellites of Milky Way