Minneapolis, Minnesota
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[edit] Intro
Minneapolis, Minnesota is the largest city in Minnesota. It is near St. Paul, Minnesota. St. Paul and Minneapolis are often called the 'Twin Cities' Because they are so close to each other.
[edit] History
The land that Minneapolis is on was acquired in the year 1803 in the Louisiana Purchase. The United States then build Fort Snelling, where the Minnesota and Mississippi River meet in the year 1819 to show their military power. The name Minneapolis was give to the city in 1852 when George D. Bowman proposed Minnehapolis. The name came from a derivative of laughing waters, "Minnehaha," and the Greek suffix for city, "polis," or city of the falls. The 'h' was dropped early on; the literal meaning is "city of waters". Minneapolis was authorized as a town in 1856 by th Minnesota Territorial Legislature. In 1866, Minneapolis was incorporated, but when establishing boundaries there were two towns, Minneapolis and St. Anthony. They were later joined in 1872. The first mayor of Minneapolis was Dorilus Morrison.