Pleiades (mythology)
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The Pleiades are seven nymphs in Greek mythology, and companions of Artemis. They were the seven daughters of Atlas and the nymph Pleione. They were all born on Mount Cyllene, which is in Arcadia.
[edit] The Pleiades
- Maia, who was the eldest. She was the mother of Hermes by Zeus.
- Elektra, who was the mother of Dardanus and Iasion by Zeus.
- Taygete, who was the mother of Lacedaemon by Zeus.
- Alkyone, who was the mother of Hyrieus by Poseidon.
- Kelaino, who was mother of Lycus and Eurypylus by Poseidon.
- Asterope (also called Sterope), who was mother of Oenomaus by Ares.
- Merope, who was youngest.