Tourette syndrome
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Tourette syndrome is a inherited neurological disorder. Tourette syndrome can also be named Tourette's syndrome,Tourette's disorder, Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome, GTS, Tourette's, or TS. People that have Tourette's have tics (movements or sounds that the person cannot easily control). Tourette's is normally inherited and starts in childhood.
People who have Tourette's have a normal life expectancy and normal intelligence. Tics are normally not as bad as people get older. Adults with severe Tourette's are rare. Less than 15% of people with Tourette's have coprolalia. Coprolalia is using phrases that many people may be offended by, without being able to stop saying them.
There is no cure for Tourette's. Most people with Tourette's do not need treatment. There are drugs that can help people manage tics. There are also therapies that can help people live easier with Tourette's.
The disease is named after Georges Gilles de la Tourette. He was one of the first physicians to describe the symptoms.