James Ogilvy
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James (Jay) A. Ogilvy (* 29. február 1964) je americký podnikateľ, poradca, konzultant a futurológ.
Obsah |
[úprava] Kariéra
Je spoluzakladateľom Global Business Network (GBN) medzinárodného intuitivného think tanku a konzultačnej firmy v Emeryville v štáte Kalifornia v USA. Zaoberá sa scenárovým myslením a scenárovým plánovaním.
[úprava] Dielo
James Ogilvy napísal a publikoval knihy a publikácie The Emergent Paradigm. Changing Patterns of Thought and Belief (1979), Many Dimensional Man. Decentralizing Self, Society and Sacred (1979), Seven Tomorrows. Toward a Voluntary History (1982), Futures Studies and the Human Sciences: The Case for Normative Scenarios (1992), Next Leap. Scenarios for China´s Future (1998), China´s Future. Scenarios for the World´s Fastest Growing Economy, Ecology and Society (2000), Creating Better Futures. Scenario Planning as a Tool for a Better Tomorrow (2002).
[úprava] Bibliografia
Ogilvy, James A. (editor): Self and World. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971
Ogilvy, James A.: Many Dimensional Man. Decentralizing Self, Society and Sacred. Oxford University Press, 1977
Ogilvy, James A., Schwartz, Peter, Hawken, Paul: Seven Tomorrows. Toward a Voluntary History. Bantam, 1980
Ogilvy, James A.: Revisioning Philosophy. State University of New York Press, 1991
Ogilvy, James A.: Living Without a Goal. Doubleday Currency, 1995
Schwartz, Peter, Ogilvy Jay: The Next Leap. Scenarios for China´s Future. Jossey-Bass Inc., San Francisco 1999
Ogilvy, Jay A., Flower, Joe, Schwartz, Peter: China´s Futures. Scenarios for the World´s Fastest Growing Economy, Ecology and Society. John Wiley and Sons, Incorporated, 2000
Ogilvy, James A.: Creating Better Futures: Scenario Planning as a Tool for a Better Tomorrow. Oxford University Press, 2002