Michal Marien
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Michael Marien je americký futurológ.
[úprava] Kariéra
Michael Marien sa zaoberá bibliografickými prehľadmi futurologickej literatúry a robí anotovanú bibliografiu. Je zakladateľom a editorom Future Survey časopisu abstraktov, recenzií a článkov o futurologických publikáciach. Žije v La Fayette v štáte New York v USA.
[úprava] Dielo
Michael Marien napísal a vydal knihy a publikácie Essential Reading for the Future (1970), Alternative Futures for Learning. An Annotated Bibliography (1971), The Hot List Delphi. An Exploratory Survey of Essential Reading to the Future (editor) (1972), What I Have Learned. Thinking about the Future Then and Now (spolueditor) (1985) (1987), World Futures and the United Nations: An Annotated Guide to 250 Recent Books and Reports (1995), Environmental Issues and Sustainable Futures. A Critical Guide to Recent Books, Reports, and Periodicals (1996), Best Books on the Future, 1996 - 2000: Future Survey´s Super 70 (2001), Utopia Revisited: New Thinking on Social Betterment (2002).