Pogovor o MediaWiki:Aboutsite
Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije
Vsebina |
→ bugzilla:04685 – "Slovenian LanguageSl.php hardcodes project namespace as Wikipedija"
→ bugzilla:05038 – "{{SUBST:GRAMMAR:foo|bar}} should render as {{GRAMMAR:foo|bar}}"
q:sl:template:Wikivar/GRAMMAR#What's next?
w:fi:special:Allmessages w:fi:MediaWiki:Aboutsite T
special:Allmessages MediaWiki:Aboutsite T
[uredi] test
O {{GRAMMAR:dajalnik|{{SITENAME}}}}
- Should work automatically after implementation / fix of:
- bugzilla:04685 – "LanguageSl.php hardcodes project namespace as Wikipedija"
O {{GRAMMAR:dajalnik|{{SITENAME}}}}
O Wikipediji
- Should work automatically after implementation / fix of:
- bugzilla:04685 – "LanguageSl.php hardcodes project namespace as Wikipedija"
- but requires to exchange the line after "generates:"; this is how {{SUBST:foo}} works
O Wikipedija
regards Gangleri | T | m: Th | T 04:06, 19 februar 2006 (CET)