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Velikost predogleda: 515 × 599 točk
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Istanbul, Turkey: The Crossroads of Europe and Asia
This digital camera image was taken by the crew of the International Space Station on April 16, 2004. When this image was taken, strong currents carried turbid coastal waters from the Black Sea through the Strait and into the Sea of Marmara. The rugged uplands to the north of the city are forested and contain vital reservoirs. Note Ataturk airport southwest of the city near the bottom of the image, the picturesque Prince Islands in the Sea of Marmara, and the sinuous waterway and harbor on the western shore known as the Golden Horn.
Astronaut photograph ISS008-E-21752 was taken April 16, 2004, with a Kodak DCS760 digital camera equipped with an 200-mm lens, and is provided by the Earth Observations Laboratory, Johnson Space Center. The International Space Station Program supports the laboratory to help astronauts take pictures of Earth that will be of the greatest value to scientists and the public, and to make those images freely available on the Internet. Additional images taken by astronauts and cosmonauts can be viewed at the NASA/JSC Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth.
Source: NASA Earth Observatory [1]
This image was selected as a picture of the day for March 16, 2005. It was captioned as followed:
Français : Photo satellite d' Istanbul, du Bosphore et de la mer noire.
Français : Photo satellite d' Istanbul, du Bosphore et de la mer noire.
Italiano: Fotografia satellitare di Istanbul
Svenska: Istanbul, Bosporen och Svarta havet
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Datoteka je del naslednjih strani slovenske Wikipedije (strani drugih projektov niso navedene):
Datoteka vsebuje še druge podatke, ki jih je verjetno dodal za njeno ustvaritev oziroma digitalizacijo uporabljeni fotografski aparat ali optični bralnik. Če je bila datoteka pozneje spremenjena, podatki sprememb morda ne izražajo popolnoma.