Richard Bach
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Richard Bach, ameriški pisatelj, * 23. junij 1936.
Med drugim je napisal tudi knjigo Jonatan Livingston Galeb.
[uredi] Dela
- Stranger to the Ground (1963)
- Biplane (1966)
- Nothing by Chance (1969)
- Jonatan Livingston Galeb (1970) (COBISS)
- Podarjena krila (A Gift of Wings) (1974) (COBISS)
- Ni ga kraja, ki bi bil daleč (There's No Such Place As Far Away) (1976) (COBISS)
- Iluzije : prigode upornega mesije (Illusions) (1977)
- Most prek večnosti (The Bridge Across Forever) (1984) (COBISS)
- Eno (One) (1988) (COBISS)
- Polet v globine : duhovna pustolovščina (Running from Safety) (1994) (COBISS)
- Krila časa : odkritje Saunders-Vixna (Out of My Mind) (1999) (COBISS)
- The Ferret Chronicles:
- Air Ferrets Aloft (2002)
- Rescue Ferrets at Sea (2002)
- Writer Ferrets: Chasing the Muse (2002)
- Rancher Ferrets on the Range (2003)
- The Last War: Detective Ferrets and the Case of the Golden Deed (2003)
- Curious Lives: Adventures from the Ferret Chronicles (Oct. 2005. One-volume edition of previous books)
- Flying (2003)
- Messiah's Handbook (2004)
[uredi] Glej tudi
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