Френк Запа
Из пројекта Википедија
Френсис Винсент Запа (енг. Frank Vincent Zappa, 21. децембар, 1940. - 4. децембар, 1993.) је био врло особен и оригиналан амерички музичар, сатиричар, гитариста, текстописац и певач. Умро је 1993. од рака.
Френкови родитељи су били из Сицилије.
[уреди] Дискографија
- Freak Out! (1966)
- Absolutely Free (1967)
- Lumpy Gravy (1967)
- We're Only In It For The Money (1968)
- Cruising with Ruben & the Jets (1968)
- Uncle Meat (1969)
- Mothermania: The Best of the Mothers (1969)
- Worst of the Mothers (1969)
- The !@#$ of the Mothers of Invention (1969)
- Hot Rats (1969)
- Burnt Weeny Sandwich (1969)
- Weasels Ripped My Flesh (1970)
- Chunga's Revenge (1970)
- King Kong: Jean-Luc Ponty Plays the Music of Frank Zappa (Jean-Luc Ponty) (1970)
- Fillmore East - June 1971 (1971)
- 200 Motels (1971)
- Just Another Band From L.A. (1972) (See 1972 in music)
- Waka/Jawaka (1972) (See 1972 in music)
- The Grand Wazoo (1972) (See 1972 in music)
- Over-Nite Sensation (1973) (See 1973 in music)
- Apostrophe (1974)
- Roxy & Elsewhere (1974)
- One Size Fits All (1975)
- Bongo Fury (1975)
- Zoot Allures (1976)
- Zappa In New York (1978)
- Studio Tan (1978)
- Sleep Dirt (1979)
- Sheik Yerbouti (1979)
- Orchestral Favorites (1979)
- Joe's Garage (1979)
- Tinseltown Rebellion (1981)
- Shut Up 'N' Play Yer Guitar (1981)
- You Are What You Is (1981)
- Ship Arriving Too Late To Save A Drowning Witch (1982)
- The Man From Utopia (1983)
- Baby Snakes (1983)
- London Symphony Orchestra vol 1 (1983)
- Boulez Conducts Zappa: The Perfect Stranger (1984)
- Them or Us (1984)
- Thing-Fish (1984)
- Francesco Zappa (1984)
- Frank Zappa Meets The Mothers Of Prevention (1985)
- Does Humor Belong In Music? (1986)
- Jazz From Hell (1986)
- London Symphony Orchestra vol 2 (1987)
- Guitar (1988)
- You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 1 (1988)
- You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 2 (1988)
- Broadway The Hard Way (1989)
- You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 3 (1989)
- The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life (1989)
- The BRT Big Band Plays Frank Zappa (BRT Big Band) (1990)
- You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 4 (1991)
- Make A Jazz Noise Here (1991)
- Beat The Boots I 9 discs (boxed or separate) (1991):
- Beat The Boots II 8 discs (boxed or separate) (1992):
- You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 5 (1992)
- You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 6 (1992)
- Playground Psychotics (1992)
- Yahozna Plays Zappa (Yahonza) (1992)
- Ahead Of Their Time (1993)
- Zappa's Universe - A Celebration Of 25 Years Of Frank Zappa's Music (Joel Thorne/Orchestra of Our Time)(1993)
- The Yellow Shark (Ensemble Modern) (1993)
- Civilization, Phaze III (1994)
- Harmonia Meets Zappa (Harmonia Ensemble) (1994)
- Strictly Commercial (1995)
- Music By Frank Zappa (Omnibus Wind Ensemble) (1995)
- The Lost Episodes (1996)
- Läther (1996)
- Frank Zappa Plays the Music of Frank Zappa: A Memorial Tribute (1996)
- Have I Offended Someone? (1997)
- Frankincense: The Muffin Men Play Zappa (Muffin Men) (1997)
- Mystery Disc (1998)
- Cucamonga Years: The Early Works of Frank Zappa 1962-1964 (1998)
- Cheep Thrills (1998)
- Son of Cheep Thrills (1999)
- Everything Is Healing Nicely (1999)
- Frankly A Cappella (The Persuasions) (2000)
- The Zappa Album (Ensemble Ambrosius) (2000
- Bohuslän Big Band plays Frank Zappa (Bohuslän Big Band) (2000)
- FZ:OZ (2002)
- Halloween (2003)
- Zappa: Greggery Peccary & Other Persuasions (Ensemble Modern) (2003)
- Joe's Corsage (2004)
- Joe's Domage (2004)
[уреди] Спољашње везе
- http://www.zappa.com/
- A Tribute to Frank Zappa (much detailed biographical material - click on "Biography")
- Innovators Highlight Pop Music Wasteland (Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart, Clarence White)
- Details of (3834) Zappafrank
- Philm Freax: Frank Zappa
- http://www.tangento.net/prezappa.html
- Don't do That On Stage Anymore, July 1995, The Wire
- the zappa patio (detailed discography including bootlegs)
- FZ Lyrics & Else (includes musicians list track by track)
- The Planet Of My Dreams (includes line-ups chronology)
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