Med evangelisterna avses Matteus, Markus, Lukas och Johannes, vilka alla fyra enligt kristen tro ska ha nedtecknat Nya Testamentets fyra första böcker.
I do not at all understand what is meant. The Four (canonical) Gospels are anonymous. Traditionally, they are called "Gospel of Matthew", etc., but there is no reliable evidence about by whom (or where) they were written.
The idea that the Gospels of Matthew and John (or even all four gospels) were written by eyewitnesses has been abandoned by the majority of biblical scholars.
It is not disputed that the Four Gospels are canonical. But the identity of their authors is not a matter of doctrine ("enligt kristen tro").
Sebastjan 06 apr. 2004 kl. 09:45 (CEST)
- You're the man, S.
- Rudolf 1922 19 april 2004 kl.14.43 (CEST)
[redigera] Namn
Artikeln bör byta namn, eller kanske ännu hellre slås ihop med evangelist. /Fenix 13 juni 2006 kl.21.32 (CEST)