Diskussion:Latinsk grammatik
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[redigera] Prepositioner
- ac (conj): och
- ad modum: adv. mycket, ganska; fullt; + neg. = at all
- ad huc/adhuc: så länge, som nu, fortfarande, in addition, i framtiden
- aliquam: in some degree
- aliqui -qua -quod: några
- aliquis -qua -quid: någon, någonting; några
- aliquando: at times, ibland; eng gång, tidigare
- aliquotiens: several times, vid olika tillfällen
- at (form of ad = in addition to): men (intro startling transitions)
- atque: och även, även, tillsammans med, i allt;
- atque...atque, både...och
- atqui: rather, however, but at any rate, but for all that (transition in arg.)
- aut: or, at least, or else; aut...aut: either...or
- autem: but, on the other hand, however
- coram: adv. and prep. in the presence of, before
- dehinc: adv. while, from here, from now, henceforth; then, next
- deinde: adv. from there; then, afterwards; secondly, next (in order), in the second (next) place
- demum: adv. at last, finally, not till then; precisely, exactly, just, in fact, certainly, to be sure; modo demum: only now, just now.
- denique: adv. finally
- donec: while, as long as, until
- dum: conj. while, now; so long as, provided that, if only; until
- enim: (conj) namely, indeed, certainly, in fact, for, because
- eo quod: because
- etenim: (conj) and indeed, for, as a matter of fact
- etiam: also, besides; even, actually; (time) still
- etsi: (conj.) though, although, and yet
- fas (est): indecl. (it is) right, proper
- huc: here, to this place; so far, for this purpose
- ibi: there, then, therein, on that occassion
- idcirco: for that reason, on that account, therefore
- ideo: therefore, for this reason
- illuc: (adv.) (to) there; to that; to him/her
- immo: (adv.) or rather; indeed; no, yes (emphasis)
- interdum: occasionally, sometimes, now and then
- inde: from there, from that source, then, after; from then
- iuxta: (adv) near by, alike, equally; (prep) close to, right after, near to, beside.
- iuxta (7th-15th c.): according to
- iuxta aliquid: to some extent
- ita: thus, so, in this way; ita...ut: just as, so...that
- ita...quomodo: just as
- licet: all right; (with dat + inf) it is right for someone to; (conj) although, even if
- modo: only, just now
- necnon: also, moreover, certainly, besides
- nempe: to be sure, of course
- non numquam: sometimes
- nondum: not yet
- nonnullus -a -um: some, several
- nuper: recently, lately
- nusquam: nowhere
- ob: before, in front of; on account of, because of; for the sake of; instead of; in proportion to
- ob rem: to the purpose, usefully
- quam ob rem: wherefore, accordingly
- olim: once; of old; one day
- praeterea: besides, moreover; hereafter
- postea: afterwards
- postmodum: afterwards; presently
- procul: far off
- proinde: adv. consequently, therefore; just as
- propterea: for that reason, therefore
- prorsus/prorsum: (adv.) forwards; absolutely; in short
- prout: (conj) according as
- qua: (adv) where, as far as, how; qua..qua: partly...partly
- qualibit: anywhere, any way, as you please
- qualis -e: what sort of, what kind of, such as, as
- qualiter: adv. how, as, just as
- quam: (adv) how, how much; as, very
- quamdiu: as long as; while; inasmuch as
- quamquam: although
- quamvis: (adv) however; (conj) although
- quando: when (after nisi, ne) ever; (conj) when, since, because
- quandoque: (adv) at some time; (conj) whenever, as often as, since
- quantum: (adv) as much as, as far as, so much as, to what extent
- quantus: how great, how much
- in quantum: to what extent
- quanto: for how much
- quantum ad: in terms of, as far as x is concerned, with respect to
- quapropter: wherefore
- quare: by what means, how; why, wherefore
- quasi: as if, as though
- quatenus: adv.(inter.) how far, how long? (rel.) as far as, in so far as, since
- quemadmodum: (adv) in what way, how; (conj) as, just as
- quicquam: anything
- quicumque quae- quod-: whoever, whatever; all that, any whatever
- quidam quae- quid-: a certain one, someone, a kind of
- quidem: indeed, in fact
- quippe: adv. certainly, of course; conj.(explaining) for in fact, because, since
- quisquam quid-: anyone, anything
- quisque quidque: each, each one, every
- quisquis, quidquid: whoever, whatever; all
- quo: where, what for, to what end
- quoad: as to, with respect to
- quocumque: wither so ever, how so ever
- quod: (conj) because, as far as, in so far as, as for the fact that, in that, that
- quod si: but if
- quodamodo: in a way
- quomodo: how, in what way; (rel) as, just as
- quondam: once, sometimes, formerly
- quoniam: because, since, seeing that, now that
- quoque: also, too
- quot: how many; (conj) as many
- quotiens: how often (rel) as often as
- rursus: again, in turn
- recte: rightly, correctly
- rursum: again
- sane: reasonably, sensibly; certainly, doubtless, truly; of course; c. neg. = really, at all; to be sure, however
- scilicet: adv. evidently, naturally, of course; (as explan. particle:) namely, that is to say, in other words
- semel: once
- seu: = et
- simul: at the same time; together; likewise
- sin: but if
- siquidem: if in fact; if only, if indeed; since indeed, since that
- talis -e: adj. such, of such a kind, the following
- taliter: in such a manner, so
- tam: so, so greatly; tam...quam: so...as, much...as well as
- tamen: yet, nevertheless, still
- tamquam: as, just as; (conj) as if, just as if
- tandem: at last, finally
- tantum: (adv) so much, so greatly; to such a degree; so far; only
- tantus -a -um (adj): of such (a size); so great, so much
- tot: as many, so many
- tunc: (avd) then, just the; thereupon, accordingly, consequently
- ubicumque: wherever, everywhere
- unde: whence, from where; wherefore; this being the case
- usque: as far as, all the way, continually, straight on, up to; until
- ut...ita: while...nevertheless
- uterque -raque -rumque: both, each (of two)
- utinam: would that, if only
- utique: anyhow, at least, at any rate
- utpote: as, in as much as
- utrum: (conj) either, whether
- velut: as, just as, as it were, as though
- verumtamen: but yet, nevertheless
- vero (conj): but, truly
- videlicet: clearly, evidently; namely
Flyttar denna långa lista med oöversatta termer hit. I oöversatt skick har den inget på artikelsidan att göra, och det är mycket mycket tveksamt att den även in översatt skick bör inkluderas. Bättre att lägga in dessa ord på Svenska Wiktionary. --sanna 10 mars 2006 kl.22.58 (CET)
- Jag försöker översätta prepositionerna. --Sundström 19 juni 2006 kl.19.53 (CEST)
[redigera] Re:Prepositioner
Jag tycket att prepositionerna ska vara med på sidan, därför att det hör till språket.
Sundström 12 mars 2006 kl.00.20 (CET)
- Än verben då? De är ju viktigare än prepositionerna. Ska de också med? Hannibal 2 april 2006 kl.17.15 (CEST)
Kan man inte bara flytta dem till en sida om latinska prepositioner? - Tournesol
[redigera] Inledningen och artikelns natur
Den här artikeln har just nu en inledningsrad som är en hänvisning till latin i allmänhet. Finns det inget mer att säga om en grammatik som presenteras så utförligt? Att den utgör en del av grunden för alla grammatikor, att den lärdes in under många år i skolan, etc, kanske? Hannibal 2 april 2006 kl.17.15 (CEST)
- Ja, du har rätt, men jag tycker att någon preposition borde vara med. Det är ju ändå en viktig del av latinet tycker jag. Sundström 4 april 2006 kl.12.00 (CEST)
- Jo, det är klart att prepositionerna är viktiga, men som jag skrev ovan: verben är lika viktiga, ska vi därför ha med dem också? Det kan räcka med en hänvisning till den av Tournesol föreslagna sidan om latinska prepositioner. Det här ska ju vara en artikel, inte en grammatika.//Hannibal 24 april 2006 kl.12.33 (CEST)
- Låter bra. --Sundström 24 april 2006 kl.21.22 (CEST)
[redigera] Hittat bättre prepositions sida
Jag har hittat en bättre sida med latinska prepositioner. Jag behöver bara hjälp med att översätta dom. --Sundström 19 juni 2006 kl.20.08 (CEST)