Paddington Distortion Combo
Paddington Distortion Combo, även kallad Paddington D.C. är ett enmansband, den ende medlemmen heter Carl Olsson, även medlem i The Bear Quartet. Distributionen av skivorna sker bl.a. via hemsidan.
[redigera] Diskografi
- Hoppfull musik för hopplösa människor (2001)
- Contemplating Suicide
- They Talk Talk Talk
- Audio-IN-Audible
- I left in the garage and started walking
- Now Lost Soon Gone
- Distorted Friend
- Put Things (DAC Fucked Up)
- Got them new shoes
- Hoppfull musik för hopplösa människor
- Cut up, Go Thru
- Le Mur (DAC Total Fuck Up
- For Now, Forever
- Oh No-Oh Yes
- Värdelös, Meninglös, Ointressan
- I like the weak ones, I like the sad ones
- Songs in D-Struction (2001)
- Put Things (DAC Fucked Up)
- Tv Song
- The sun is down and the sky is grey
- Clean Sound Suckers
- Got Them New Shoes
- Humming Lost Song
- Now Lost Soon Gone
- O.P.O.E.M.Y.U.P.O.
- Please Leave
- Please don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them (2004)
- Something to Say 2
- They Talk
- Hoppfull Musik för Märta Myrstener
- I Fucked Up
- Drop Things
- Something to Say
- Keep it Sharp, let it Slip
- En Stilla Väntan på det Oundvikliga
- Hoppfull Musik (We aim to Dance to the music)
- Please don't...
- For 5 Seconds I Felt Loved