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I just removed a paragraph on the uncertainty about whether projected images are the same as CRTs. I did this for two reasons: 1. In psychology research, the viewing distances in tachistoscopic and computerized experiments are eqivalent (generally in the range of 14–24 inches) 2. Those studies that have made direct comparisons have found no substantive differences in experimental contexts. See, for example:
Hutner N, Duboff JM, Oscar-Berman M, Mueller S. Comparing visual perception on conventional cabinet tachistoscopes and computer monitor tachistoscopes. Behav Res Methods Instrum Comput. 1999 Aug;31(3):400–9.
While the point made by the paragraph was not a bad one, it does not seem to be germane to the subject of tachistiscopes as they were generally employed.
--mcain 07:31, 22 April 2006 (UTC)