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The tailwhip is a bike trick typically performed on a BMX, in which the frame of the bike performs a complete rotation around the front end (bars and forks), which remains stationary throughout the move. The same trick may also be performed on a kick scooter.
To do the trick there are a few main methods, these both include whipping the bike around using your arms in a gyrating motion whilst holding the bars, but some riders also kick the bike with their back foot to give it extra momentum. It also helps if you approach a jump crooked, therefore, it will throw the bike from under allowing you to start a tailwhip.
[edit] Variations
- Footplant tailwhip
- Combination of footplant and tailwhip on any obsticle. The ride rides up to any obstacle that is capable of having a footplant done on it. The rider then whips the frame as he would normally with a tailwhip, but instead of keeping his legs sucked into his body, he puts one foot down in a footplant. The rider then waits for the frame to come a little past 180 degrees before he hops out of a footplant and prepares for the frame to complete its rotation before putting his feet on the pedals and riding away.
- Footjam tailwhip
- The rider puts their foot on the front tire and jams it up against the back of the fork of the bicycle, thus enabling causing the back end of the bike to lean foward. The foot that is still on the pedal kicks off the pedal, while leaning forward, enabling the frame to spin around. This is the original tailwhip variation as invented by Brian Blyther in the early 1980s.
- Bunnyhop tailwhip or tailwhip air
- The trick is performed only in the air after riding up/off a ramp or other obstacle or during a bunny hop.
- Superman tailwhip
- The rider does a tailwhip as he normally would, but the rider then extends his legs straight out (like he would do when doing a superman) when the frame is about 180 degrees around the rotation. The rider then sucks his legs back in and waits for the frame to come back around, then finds his/her pedals and lands. This is an advanced variation, only to be attempted when the basic form of a tailwhip is thoroughly mastered.
- Double/Triple Tailwhip
- The rider instead of only allowing the tail of the bike to rotate around once they use more force to spin it twice/three times. The triple tailwhip is a rare feat accomplished by very few including James Foster, Dave Mirra, Cameron White, Joseph Brajevich, Frank Fahey, Dennis Enarson and Marcus Blengsli.
- 360 Tailwhip/Double/Triple Tailwhip
- The rider spins in a 360 degree circle while the tail of the bike rotates in a tailwhip. The 360 tailwhip was first pulled by Trevor King at Hardknox skatepark, Australia. Mike Spinner was the first to pull the 360 Triple Tailwhip at Woodward.
- Back Flip Tailwhip (alternatively called a flipwhip)
- The rider first performs a back flip and in the middle of it throws a tailwhip (still up side down) and catches the tailwhip while pulling out of the back flip.
- Downside Tailwhip
- When the rider spins 180 degrees one way, and the bike spins 180 degrees the other way. This is normally done on a bank so the rider does not land moving backwards.
- Whiplash
- Similar to a footjam tailwhip, however the rider stands on the front peg and is moving whilst the bike completes its rotation.
- Whopper (alternatively called a street whip)
- A tailwhip performed after a bunnyhop off flat land, without using the aid of a ramp.
- Mollywoper
- While in the air, the rider pulls out his penile device and smacks a hoe, then puts his penile device back into his pants and lands.
- Windshield Wiper
- The rider spins a tailwhip and while they're still in the air they spin another tailwhip back the other way.